In India, there is no emergency practice to deliver the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and delivery shocks on the spot of an incident so CPR is always up there for a person’s rescue! Because you never know when the emergency knocks on the door.
CPR stands for Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation. It is an emergency treatment to temporarily circulate oxygen-rich blood to the brain of an individual whose heartbeat has stopped, either due to stroke, heart attack, drowning, or any form of accident. Having a level of Experience is not necessary when someone’s life is at stake; basic knowledge about CPR is enough to differentiate an individual from a bystander to a lifesaver.
Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) accounts for 10% of overall mortality in our country and with every passing minute after the sudden collapse, the patient’s chances of survival are immensely reduced. But when a bystander comes in to perform CPR the chances of survival increase 3 times. This is the sort of department a Critical Care Hospital in Hyderabad, Shamshabad Sunrise Hospitals are about to teach you.
A crucial point to remember is that the death of a person is declared in two categories such as clinical death and biological death. When a person collapses suddenly after an incident occurred rendering him/her into cardiac arrest, the clinical death is addressed as the blood is stopped being pumped to the brain and other vital organs and that gives the CPR performer around 10 minutes to resuscitate him/her and keep their brain alive till the medic arrives as they will be at the verge of being biologically dead.
A few things to remember:
CPR can help with external chest compressions and rescue breaths/mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. There is a whole step-wise and simplified guideline to perform CPR, but as we move on remember this acronym “C-A-B” which stands for Compression-Airway-Breathing, that will aid you in carrying out CPR perfectly
1. Compressions aim to restore blood circulation in a person. Steps for compressions are:
If you aren't a professional CPR provider, continue compressions until you notice the person moving or until paramedics take over.
2. Next, proceed to open the airway:
If you aren't a professional CPR provider, continue compressions until you notice the person moving or until paramedics take over.
3. Rescue breathing/mouth-to-mouth resuscitation/artificial ventilation, assists or stimulates respiration in an individual:
Use a defibrillator if available and if not or you aren’t trained to use one, call emergency services of the Critical Care Hospital in Hyderabad, Shamshabad and continue with the CPR cycles until you notice movements.
Administering CPR correctly can give someone’s life a new meaning. It is an act of advice by the best Critical Care Hospital in Hyderabad, Shamshabad to inform and educate the public about the technique you may require to use at some point in your life. A certified CPR training program is also available to learn such techniques. If you are unwilling to take the course, practicing the basic steps in the act of awareness, either with a dummy or a person you know can be proved fruitful. However, pertaining knowledge to such skills may prove to be a life-saving opportunity for your loved ones.
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