Globally, healthcare systems include critical care or close clinical services for life-threatening conditions in ICU by specialized medical staff. It is also referred to as a critical care unit, intensive therapy unit, critical and trauma care unit, etc. It's a requirement for thorough patient care at risk for organ dysfunction that is fatal.
This three-letter abbreviation has given itself a cold image of fear in society. An image that takes the form of millions of tubes reattached to billions of wires that go inside a patient’s conscious or semi-conscious body, who is more likely fighting a battle of life and death on the ICU bed. An image of a germ-infested room where nobody is allowed to enter unless wear shoe covers and masks and all the gear just to avoid contamination. Arguably, ICUs could be a nightmare for the patient’s relatives, but it saves countless lives in the area it operates! The mortality rate at the Critical Care Hospital in Hyderabad, Shamshabad has significantly decreased.
The misconceptions and superstitions hinder our society’s ability to perceive ICU protocols and procedures, making it a difficult challenge to raise ICU awareness. When you enter the hospital said the ICU ward it is a completely different world, that is why Critical Care Hospital in Hyderabad, Shamshabad are here to bust a few myths, because of which ICUs are robustly poised:
ICU admissions are unnecessary in hospitals. We may presume that our patient does not require ICU care, but we must remember that there are set criteria for ICU admission that all tertiary medical facilities must follow. ICU is only for sick patients, and every hospital is running out of ICU beds, leaving critically ill patients to wait in the emergency room for an ICU bed.
The primary cause for people’s paranoia that people won’t recover is ignorance; people don't realize that ventilators, like dialysis, serve to help patients breathe. Without ventilators, ICUs would not exist, and modern surgeries such as open heart surgery and brain surgery wouldn't be possible. Ventilators are used to extend ICU stays, despite patient’s death. It is important to know that if patients come in with irreparable brain damage, they are regarded as dead (brain dead) in some places.
All ICUs are not the same and every tragic incident is different. Whether it be any medical emergency that demands immediate attention to our patients’ bodily systems, there are different critical care units for different specialties like Cardiac, Neurology, Transplant, Orthopaedics, Medical, Respiratory, Postoperative, Surgical, and Pediatric ICUs letting the best Critical Care Hospital in Hyderabad, Shamshabad is prepared for any save lives despite the circumstances. Situations that come under medical emergencies be it seizures requires a lot of monitoring, so ICU is necessary.
Why tracheostomy? It is a needless procedure. When a patient is on ventilatory support for a longer time, tracheostomy is a comforter, easing the patient.
Makes the patient able to talk.
Patients could be moved a lot easier.
Handy to remove respiratory secretions, to avoid any infections.
Increases the chances to get the patient out of the ventilator.
Attendants are permitted to see the patient once or twice every 24 hours to comfort ICU staff. Critically ill patients are very vulnerable and frequently have weaker immune systems i.e., vulnerable to even a minor infection or stress. So, visiting hours are available in all ICUs for the patient's benefit and to reduce discomfort and stress.
ICUs are not only managed solely by doctors but also the nurses, physiotherapists, dieticians, technicians, and general attendants who play a crucial role and together as a multidisciplinary team aim for a speedy and fruitful recovery of sick patients. So, that’s why there is a whole team in the ICU.
Ranging from a few days to years the patient’s primary senses get back to normal, but they aren’t permanently lost. ICUs are the banks that print money. ICU patients are on the verge of death. A minor anomaly or disruption in reports/diagnosis can end badly. Corollary, testing is done routinely and repeatedly to ensure correct, better, and quality treatment. And we understand that the care for your loved ones and the responsibility to attain them economically could make your mind set on a frenzy. But Critical Care Hospital in Hyderabad, Shamshabad is here to take care of you as our own!
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